Respectfully, cause I say this a lot and folks call me a hater but it’s truly me being serious.
Don’t redo your logo, order ANOTHER step and repeat or spend your money on business cards for these “networking events” UNTIL you invest in your paperwork and certifications.
……and if you don’t know where to go or what to do, invest in your business by paying folks that know how to create or clean up your paperwork. Don’t get online asking for free help but you’re throwing money at the flashy visuals for your business before the written component.
Y’all got a million t shirts with your logo and no data to even say how you’ve served a million ppl, asking how to get a million dollars. We have to honestly stop and assess how we’re pouring into our work.
Too many good orgs are spinning in circles!
Hear me say this: Your paperwork is holding you back, not your tablecloths.
I want folks to win but I grow tired of trying to write y’all grants when all yall have are sign in sheets and a description on loose leaf scratch paper. Folk asking how to get grants and you don’t even have an updated resume. God says he takes us as we are, but please hear me say that funders will not.
I’m saying this in my nice voice, as a person that turns watered down paperwork to wine in this city-for years. Please have something to show folks.
This city has a TON of cute non profit organizations, but very few functional ones.
That’s concerning.